Custom Processing


Thank you for considering us for your fibre processing needs! 

Please fill out an Order Form, and email it to and we will contact you to discuss your needs. 

Rates are detailed in the order form document. Our rates are subject to change. If we change rates, the changes will not apply to works in progress. 

Please read this page and the About Fibre Processing page carefully to understand the process. 

Orders can be shipped or dropped off to:

7838 Wallace Road, Vernon, BC, V1B 3N2

If dropping off in person, please call ahead to schedule a drop off time. Do not send your fibre until instructed to do so. We will not store your fibre, please keep it safe at home until we are ready to process it. Please do not visit the mill without an appointment. 

Fibre should be shipped/delivered in clear plastic bags with a tag inside each bag indicating bag/batch number, your name, and desired products. We will contact you to confirm milling instructions prior to commencing the project. 

It is well worth your time to thoroughly skirt/sort your fleece prior to processing! Skirting and washing are charged on the incoming weight of fibre. 

There is a normal amount of weight lost during processing. It varies widely depending on the type of fibre, the amount of grease/dirt/VM, and the number of processes undertaken to achieve the final product. Losses can be 50% or more of the raw fibre weight. 

Yarns processed at our mill do not undergo the chemically intensive process of 'carbonizing' to remove vegetable matter. Therefore, some VM will most certainly be present in finished yarns. Electing to have the fibre run through the fibre separator greatly reduces the amount of VM in the finished product.

The finished quality of the product relies heavily on the quality of the incoming fibre. Our mill equipment is designed to run fibres with a staple length of 1 to 6 inches. We can process longer fibres, but have had mixed results spinning yarns from these longer fibres. Customers can choose to have lopi-spun yarn for longer fibres. 

Other challenges will be fibres with weak points (breakage), fleece with matting or felting, and excessive dirt. If we cannot get your fibre to spin, we will finish the order to roving, and billing will be reflected as such. 

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